Hey, it's been a while since I've posted, been doing some other things. Among these, I've been reading, and in the past few weeks, I've gone through 2 books and I'm now on my third...Soon, I'll post a little bit on some of the other good books that I've read during this deployment, but this is what I've got so far...
Gullible's Travels (The Adventures of a Bad Taste Tourist) by Cash Peters
Before the deployment, I'd discovered this hillarious show on the Travel Channel called Stranded with Cash Peters. The premise of the show was that this guy, Cash Peters, was pretty much dropped off somewhere in the world with no money, no place to live and no clue as to where he was. He would have to make friends, and he'd have to kind of sponge off of them for a few days while they carted him around and showed him the sights. Well, apparently, before being a TV star, Cash had been working extensively in radio, his thing being travel advice and quirky destinations. In Gullible's Travels, Cash chronicles his last days as a radio personality by telling the hillarious stories of his travels to crazy museums and sights throughout America such as the mini golf course in the basement of a funeral home and his search for the elusive Museum of Dirt. Very good read!
Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe
I just finished the classic novel of Robinson Crusoe, a poor, unlucky sailor who gets shipwrecked for about 28 years on a deserted island in the Caribbean. At the beginning, I thought, "Man, this guy should just stay on land!" and I had doubts whether I could really finish it. (I've always had trouble reading "the classics".) However, Robinson Crusoe turned out to me to be a great book that I think everybody should read at least once. Actually, I've always liked the "being stranded on a desert island" theme. Apparently Robinson Crusoe pretty much began the whole genre, which is kind of neat. Some of my other favorite books/stories that are similar to Robinson Crusoe are
The Cay by Theodore Taylor,
Hatchet by Gary Paulsen,
The Swiss Family Robinson by Johann David Wyss and Johann Rudolf Wyss, the movie
Cast Away starring Tom Hanks and Wilson the Volleyball and the ABC hit drama,
Rachel's Holiday by Marian Keyes

I've just begun to read this book, and I'm around Chapter 10 or so. Rachel's Holiday appears to be one of your basic coming-of-age, funny but a bit dark chick lit novel, the type which I adore. Rachel is Irish and she's living in New York. Her life gets a little bit out of control, and her family ships her back to Ireland and into an "upscale" drug rehab center. I like it so far...
Well, that's what I've been reading lately. I've read some awesome books while on deployment, and if I get around to it, someday I'll write a little about those books too.