Friday, September 26, 2008

The end of Yummy Korean
So... I blogged about Korean for a couple months because I thought I would have some content to contribute, but it appears that I didn't, so I've gone and deleted that blog entirely. In all honesty, I probably should delete this blog too, since I hardly ever post anything of real interest on it anyway. Maybe I should just quit everything and try to find what really interests me, because I don't really know right now. Apparently, I'm unmotivated, lazy and uncreative. I don't want to be that way. I want to do something meaningful. My whole time in the military has left me feeling utterly useless. I thought I wanted to learn a language, but in the six years that I've been studying Korean, I'm still barely able to have an intelligent conversation with somebody. I have trouble communicating even in English, how can I possibly expect to be fluent in any other language? Maybe I should just give up language learning all together, and just focus on my travel education. But would I even be any good at that? I don't even know what I'm good at. I thought I was okay at Korean, but I guess I'm not.
These past couple weeks have had me really burnt out, and I guess right now I'm feeling really depressed. I hate feeling depressed. I think what I need to do is just take a deep breath and tell myself "Tomorrow will be better." I really hope so.

Now playing: The Beatles - Yesterday
via FoxyTunes