I Like To A
Here goes for my new topic I talked about yesterday (or at least I think it was yesterday).
I like to ACHIEVE.
achieve transitive verb
1 : to carry out successfully : accomplish <achieve a gradual increase in production>
2 : to get or attain as the result of exertion : reach <achieved a high degree of skill> <achieved greatness>
intransitive verb : to attain a desired end or aim : become successful
Like everybody, I like to achieve my goals. I sometimes can be categorized as an overachiever I guess, but I don't really like that. I try not to set goals for myself that I have no hope of achieving, and I generally don't like others to set my goals for me. They tend to set goals that I can't really achieve.
I like small goals the best. For instance, if I'm having a hard time getting up out of bed (which was pretty hard for me this morning), I can start by saying to myself, "OK, let's just get one foot on the floor." I do that, I've achieved a goal and feel good about it, and it makes me want to work harder and achieve my ultimate goal at the moment: getting up.
Doing simple stuff can lead to a lot more...I gotta keep telling myself that. One foot in front of the other. One day at a time. I'll get there somehow, even if I have to take baby steps the whole way. That's achievement.
I like to ASSOCIATE.
associate transitive verb
1: to join as a partner, friend, or companion
2obsolete : to keep company with : attend
3: to join or connect together : combine
4: to bring together or into relationship in any of various intangible ways (as in memory or imagination)
intransitive verb
1: to come or be together as partners, friends, or companions
2: to combine or join with other parts : unite
When I was brainstorming earlier and came up with associate, I was thinking more of the third definition, to join or connect together, but I like to do the others as well. Therefore, I'll start with my "original" definition and then write a little on the other. In other words, I'll associate the definitions.
My friends have noticed that I make a lot of weird associations sometimes. It's just how I think. The world is all connected somehow anyway, right? It's neat to me to think about how things can relate to each other. I could use correlate in the same context, but the term that usually comes to mind for me is associate. I take my past experiences and thoughts and associate them with what's happening to me in the present.
Thinking like this, by making associations, can unfortunately be troublesome at times. I tend to go associate one thing with another and that makes me think about the other thing and then I associate that thing with something else and I get terribly distracted by this tangent. This is how I can spend hours upon hours just surfing the Internet. For instance, I could be looking up Burj Al Arab, a terribly expensive and luxurious hotel in Dubai. The hotel itself is designed to resemble a sail, so then I start thinking about sailing. Sails go on boats and boats go in water and people dive from boats into the water...I've always wanted to learn how to scuba dive, and so I start looking up how you get diver certification. Then once I get certified, I have to go someplace to dive, right? So where should I go? I've heard Belize is great for diving...and on and on it goes until I forget whatever I was looking up in the first place. Association...it can be a good thing or a bad thing. I still like to do it either way.
OK, that's all I can write for now. Tomorrow is B.