Saturday, October 25, 2008

Song of the Day: "Fool in the Rain" by Led Zeppelin

Today has been the first rainy day in I can't remember how long. When it rains here, everything turns to mud. The walk to and from work is terrible. It makes me wish I lived closer to work like the rest of my coworkers because they don't have to walk through all the dirt-turned-mud. I do like watching the lightning though. When I walked to work tonight, the sky was angrily flashing a million shades of purple and hot white. Just as long as I get to watch it from afar, thunder and lightning is actually really enjoyable for me. I think it probably used to scare me sometimes, but now not-so-much.

So, in the spirit of it being a rainy day, today's song of the day is "Fool in the Rain" by Led Zeppelin. This is probably my all-time favorite Led Zeppelin song.


One of my all-time favorite bands, Maná, covered this song in Spanish several years back for a Led Zeppelin tribute album. Here's a video of Alex and Fher talking about the song.

Lyrics (Letras)

Here's some other cool facts about "Fool in the Rain."

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