Thursday, June 22, 2006

Blog annoyances and other stuff I'm up to...

So, I've been working on this blog thing for a couple days. I had made a couple posts to my blog at myspace, but that just wasn't cutting it. Now, I can do a lot more things with my blog, and I'll try to make it as cool as possible.
I decided to make this blog yesterday after I discovered Diigo, a cool social bookmarking tool, has a feature where you can blog stuff directly to your blog...however, because Diigo is in their beta stages right now, they don't support the API or whatever it is that uses. They do support blogs though, so I went over there and got one of their blogs. I didn't have too much luck with that, because that website is slow and it was kind of hard for me to figure out stuff. Besides, Blogger is compatible with other programs that I have, such as Picassa. So today, I started working on this particular blog.
A lot of blogs have cool layouts and stuff, so I wanted one too. I looked up some help, and what I found was WAY too technical for me, so what I did was I found one of these "amateur" blog layout makers and got one of their layouts and played around with it until I was satisfied with it. Thanks, Melissa!
I am really not a HTML whiz or anything, the only thing I can really remember how to code is a hyperlink, and I usually mess that up somehow, so it usually takes me like five minutes to put in a link (not really). Oh well, thanks to Microsoft FrontPage, I finally got everything situated, and here's my blog.

Other recent activities...

Okay, so I'll try to stop boring you with this whole blog thing and let you know what else is going on...

A. I just finished upgrading my Myspace profile. It took a while, kind of like this blog, but it's finished now, except I have to put a link to this blog on there...

B. I'm doing some research on a vacation to the Smoky Mountains in August for Sean's sister. I'm learning a whole bunch of cool stuff about the Gatlinburg area...I'll post more on that soon...

C. I'm doing a lot of real work too, but can't talk about that here.

D. Sean and I are searching for a house for when we get back...I've been looking through a lot of listings and shopping for a loan. My Aunt Sandy and Uncle Joe have been doing a bunch of work on their house recently, and I have to say that I am a little envious. I wish I could sand windows and paint cupboards! Hopefully I'll be able to do that kind of stuff soon.

E. Sean and I have been working crazy shifts the past couple weeks, and it's wearing us out. Good thing we've got an Xbox to watch movies on and the Internet, or I'd absolutely fall asleep...

Oh, speaking of movies, I just finished watching House of the Flying Daggers. It's a Chinese film much like Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. It was really good. I loved all the vibrant colors, and the story was pretty interesting too.

Well, anyway, I don't really have anything else to write, so I'll close for now. Stay tuned for some cool postings!

Love Kendra

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