Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Thoughts on the Election

So, Obama won the election. Good for him. I don't know how good it will be for the country, but we'll just have to wait and see. I would have said the same thing if McCain had won. I'm really not the political type, so it didn't really make much difference to me who won, although I did think that Obama would be the winner either way. As far as I can tell, that's pretty much how the presidency goes: switching back and forth between the two parties every two cycles or so. Four years isn't really long enough probably for the public to get sick of seeing your face on television, so they reelect you for a second term and then by the end of the second term, the people are sick of you and your party being in the hot seat, so they give the presidency to the other party and so on. Maybe that's why people think politics is so exciting, because it's so dynamic and volatile.


I just really hope things get better for the country, from what they've been. I know a lot of people will either blame or praise Obama for pulling troops out of Iraq, but I think a lot of the troops would be going home from Iraq soon anyway, despite who's president. However, without any big advancement in other sectors such as technology or industry after we go home, like things that happened around the ends of WWI and WWII, I think we will probably be in for a bit of recession or depression anyway.


Hope for the best but prepare for the worst, right? Good luck, Mr. President.

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