Friday, August 11, 2006

An Awesome Extension for Firefox
(Previously posted Thursday, March 16, 2006, on my now defunct Myspace blog)

18:52 - An Awesome Extension for Firefox
Current mood: creative
Category: Web, HTML, Tech

If you don't have Firefox, you need to get There's so many awesome extensions that make web-browsing (and myspaceing) SO much more useful!
The latest AWESOME extension that I've found is Greasemonkey. It's an extension that helps you customize the way you see webpages by adding some DHTML and AJAX scripts in. I found out about it by just browsing some people's blog comments. I like Google's Image Search, but I find that it's a little annoying that you have to open up a brand new webpage to actually see the actual photo. With the Greasemonkey extension and the Google Image Search specific script installed in your Greasemonkey, you can see the full-size image without messing about with the extra webpages.
Greasemonkey not only works with this, but there are a whole bunch of other cool scripts that you can load into Greasemonkey on I've even found some cool scripts for MySpace! I don't really spend too much time on MySpace, but it really seems that you're just not cool if you don't have a MySpace, but those songs and videos and crap are really kind of annoying to me when I look at someone's profile. Therefore, I have the Automatic MySpace Media Remover that automatically gets rid of that crap. However, if I really want to hear what people have on their MySpace, I can conveniently click on a link that restores the media. Another cool script I got for MySpace is MySpace CommentBox PLUS. It puts an awesome little comment box right there above the comments, so I don't have to go to a million other webpages just to post a comment on someone's profile. Cool, huh?

Like I said, you MUST get Firefox! It is AWESOME!

Well, have a nice day. :)

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