Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Upcoming plans for this blog

I knew when I did it that deleting a whole blog just because of one person's negativity towards me was probably not the best decision, but I felt a need for a drastic change at the time anyway, and that was probably the most drastic thing I could have done at the time that didn't damage me very much.
I've been thinking a lot about what direction I want this blog to take in the future. I'm generally not the most creative person in the world, but I occasionally have the overwhelming urge to create something. I have the urge, yes, but actually starting and finishing a project tends to be very difficult for me.
Right now, I'm writing this posting from my Gmail account, and I'm not even sure if I'll be able to finish it or whether I'll just let it be filed away into my drafts folder. If it actually even gets to my Blogger account, that'll be a miracle.
Ha. It's a little ironic to me that it's always so easy for me to write about my insecurities about writing, but so difficult for me to write about much of anything else.
Anyway...I must stay on topic, and my original motivation for this post was to talk about my upcoming plans for this blog. I'm planning on getting a sweet smartphone when I get back home. I'll probably end up getting a BlackBerry of some sort, probaby a Curve. I'm making Sean get the same one, although he's not as in love with gadgetry as I am. I've never really used the camera/video camera on my phones before, but I'm going to make a concentrated effort to make more videos and take more pictures with my phone. I'm also going to figure out how to post those videos and pics to my blog here and to Youtube and Flickr and whatever other service I can.
The general subject of this will be my regular life, I'm thinking. I'm hoping that this will make me try and be more interesting. (Not to say that I'm not interesting already, of course. ^^)
I also want to do something about this layout I've got here. I've had this same layout since I started this blog, more than two years ago. Blogger has had a bunch of updates and now you can add a bunch of cool stuff to your layout, and with my current layout, I'd have to completely redo it in order to try out any of the cool new tools. So, someday, I'm gonna have to take some serious time and change the layout.
Plans, plans and more plans. I'm really excited to start putting these plans into action. My life is REALLY going to take a drastic turn very soon, and I'm SO excited about it...just being stuck in this planning phase is really starting to drive me a little crazy, I think. I really hope the next few months go by quickly but slow enough for me to thoroughly enjoy all the good parts!
------ Listening to "Pinhead" by The Ramones

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